Saturday, April 9, 2016

Warm weather!

KWe seriously are loving this warmer weather (with maybe a few rainy or windy days every so often). Lucy loves, and I mean LOVES, going to the park outside. She will either stand at the door, pound on it, and whine until I acknowledge that she wants outside. Or she will look out the window, yell at the kids out there, and just wait for me to take her out. It is the cutest! Except for when it is a bad time to go outside and she just gets mad at me. 
Lucy has learned how to climb up the stairs and go down the slide all by herself. So it makes taking her to the park that much easier. 

Mini Getaway

This weekend we went up to a friends family cabin in the Provo Canyon. It was so nice to get away for one night. We played lots of games, ate too much food, played outside, and watched a movie. 
Oh and Lucy ended up in our bed at 4:45. And after almost an hour of her just being awake in bed she finally fell asleep. I woke up to feet in my face and many toots throughout the next 3 hours. 

Easter Sunday

We love Easter Sunday in this house. We love our Savior and all that he has done for us. This year we were excited to see Lucy enjoy Easter. Now that she is walking (with little help), we thought it would be fun for her to do an Easter egg hunt. In the morning, she woke up to a basket filled with a few new fun things. Later in the day, we went to Blakes aunt and uncles house. We had a delicious dinner that was followed by an egg hunt. We gave Lucy a basket, and after showing her how it works, she was set. She walked to any egg she could find and put it in her basket. It was so much fun for her! 
She still likes to walk around with her basket and open and close the eggs. 

Easter Buddies

These two girls are seriously the sweetest together. We had to snap a couple pictures of these little ladies in their Easter hats and bunny ears. We love that Lucy has a friend so close by. And it's even better that we like Jordyn's parents too ;)

Friday, March 18, 2016

My baby is growing up!

How is it that another month has gone by?! Here are a few facts about my baby girl (who isn't really a baby anymore).

Lucy says:
* "mum mum" for mom
* "Dada" for dad
* "Di der" for diaper 
* "Mamamama" for grandma 
* "Uh-uh" for uh-oh

She knows what a monkey says. "Aaa-aaa-aaa". She almost has lion and elephant down too.

Lucy loves to give kisses! 

She loves having play dates with her friends. 

Lucy loves to read her books. She will lounge at her pillow and read. 

She is really understanding things I say to her. She will answer my questions 

Lucy can sign more and please. More is clapping and please is rubbing her belly. And we are currently working on adding thank you. 

She is getting SO close to walking! We keep practicing with her, and we try to make her walk everywhere. 

Lucy knows where her hair, belly, and tongue are. She thinks she knows where her nose is. She points somewhere on her face everytime, so she is close. 

She says "uuuu uuuu" when she needs help climbing up the stairs at the park. And loves to clean up the woodchips that are on the playground.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

FIRST birthday party

Over the weekend we celebrated Lucy's first birthday with family and friends. All of Lucy's grandparents were able to come out from California for her. We had a twinkle twinkle little star theme. It all turned out so great. Lucy is loved by so many. Thank you to everyone who came! 

Just some of the decorations. 

I was very bad at taking pictures at he party, so I had to rely on family and friends to take them. 

Lucy was not very fond of us singing happy birthday to her. I thought it would be fun for her to sit on a tablecloth on the ground and eat her cake, but she did not like that apparently. As soon as we put her in her high chair with a small amount of cake, she was happy. 

Lucy's Birth Story

Well, it has been a year and I am now deciding to write out Lucy's birth story. I have read a few friends and family birth stories, and it has made me want to write Lucy's. I think j remember it all....

At 39 weeks, I had a doctor appointment. When I went in, Dr. Harward checked Lucy's heart rate and everything looked great. He checked me to see if j progressed at all. And... NOTHING!! Dr. Harward mentioned being induced after that. And we'll, that sounded awful. But, he said he will induce me at 41 weeks. I left hat appointment devastated. I was really
hoping that I would be dilated or effaced a little bit. After talking to my mom, she reassured me that it didn't mean anything. I could still end up in labor that night. Well, that didn't happen. 

I went back to see Dr. Harward on my due date, February 10. Once again, he checked me and I had not made any progress at all. So, he scheduled me to start to be induced on Monday the 16th. I continued teaching up until my induction. My last day was February 13th (Valentine's Day celebration). Blake and I made the best of our official last weekend left just the two of us. My mom flew into town that weekend. 

On Monday, we shopped, had a good lunch, and got
pedicures. I was scheduled to go to the hospital at 6:00 pm, but during my pedicure I got a call from the hospital. They told me they needed to free up some rooms, so it might be later that night and they would call me. So, we went home and waited. It felt like the longest wait of my life. Finally, at 9:00 pm, I got a call saying we can come in. We loaded our bags in the car and made our way to the hospital. We got all checked in and the nurse checked me. This is what the nurse told me, "Well, you are about a dimple..." Awesome! That is what I wanted to hear....NOT!!

The nurse then inserted some medicine at my cervix to help soften it. They would leave that in overnight and then start me on pitocin in the morning. That night, we waited. We watched movies. We tried to sleep as much as possible. Early the next morning, I had Blake go get me breakfast before I couldn't eat anymore once I got started on pitocin. At 6:30 am they took out the medicine and checked me. I was now about 70% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. Yay! Finally some progress. 

At 7:15 am, I was started on pitocin. They wanted to give me a high dose to get things moving faster. This meant that every 30 minutes they would add 5 drips of pitocin until I was a 20. It wasn't too bad at first. I could definitely feel more pressure and contractions, but it wasn't too bad. 

Around 9 am, my doctor came in to check me. I was at a 1 1/2 and he broke my water. So weird! I started to have awful contractions not long after that. They were getting so bad and closer together. When I was at a 2, blake called the nurse in to have her call the anesthesiologist to come in so we could ask questions. I was so terrified of getting the epidural! But the nurse told me that she thinks the IV is worse. I was still terrified! The doctor came in with his cart and said he is going to talk me through the epidural. I laid on my side against the edge of the bed and he started his thing. I was crying so much. The worst part was the numbing. It felt like a really long bee sting. My legs went numb immediately. I couldn't feel anything after that. Thank you to modern medicine! Between about 2:00 ok and 3:30 pm, I went from a 4 to a 10. The nurse wanted me to get to a station +1 before I started to  push, but that wasn't happening. At 3:00, I started pushing. I pushed for almost 1 1/2 hours before they called my doctor in. Lucy was stuck under my pelvic bone, so my doctor gave me an episiotomy. I pushed about 3-4 more times before our sweet girl made her appearance. I was able to hold her right away and blame cut the umbilical cord. That moment was so amazing and perfect. I immediately had so much love for this little one. Lucy came at 4:47 pm on February 17, 2015. She weighed 8 lbs  1 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. She was perfection! 

Lucy is now 1 year old and weighs 19 1/2 lbs and is 30 inches tall. We went through many ups and downs, but I would do it all over again. She is sassy, funny, snuggly, happy, fun, and loving.